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FAQ - Career in Medical Illustration


Updated: Aug 20, 2019

I often receive emails from either high school or undergraduate students asking about the field of medical illustration. Whether they are just curious or trying to figure out if this career path is right for them, I have complied a short list of frequently asked questions.

1. What does a medical illustrator do?

The short answer is to draw pictures of hearts and skeletons all day. The long answer is a lot of things, depending on your strengths and desires! A medical illustrator is an umbrella term. However, we are more accurately biomedical communicators. This means we bring visual aspects to education in science and medicine. The visuals (and audio) can be anything from illustration, animation, infographics, interface design, exhibit design, games and apps, storyboarding, and more. If you enjoy being in the company of others, you can work with a team of concept artists and pitch ideas to pharmaceutical companies. If you are a self-proclaimed introvert, you can sit in front of the computer and draw all day with limited client contact. There are many options; as long as you have decided you love art + science, you are on the right trajectory.

2. How do I know medical illustration is my right path?

You love art + science. You love biology class, and you tend to doodle sketches of what you are learning in your notebook. You are a visual learner. You are obsessed with detail and perfection. You think you should pursue a career in science or medicine, but you always come back to drawing as a hobby, such as cartooning, figure drawing club, designing yearbook covers, etc. You are creative in many areas. You love learning about science, dinosaurs, insects, anatomy, and pathology (disease). Maybe you didn’t know this field existed, but a mentor told you about it because he/she thought you would be a good fit. You are here reading this post because, at some point, you googled “medical illustrator” and wanted to learn more about it.

3. Does a medical illustrator make a decent living?

Wrong question to ask. I know doctors and lawyers who make a decent living, but they are miserable. Aren’t you interested in this career because it utilizes your strengths and passions? Don’t you want a job that you wake up and enjoy going to work? It is a competitive niche. You can make just as much or more as a commercial or fine artist. Many of my peers work full-time jobs and freelance on the side for supplemental income. You can work as little or as much as you want. You will enter the field slowly and grow into a shark. The sharks make big money, but just as you would expect from a local ecosystem, it can only support a handful of sharks. So you have to learn and excel and eventually outcompete the others.

4. How do I prepare to be accepted into an undergrad/graduate program for medical illustration?

Create your backstory. Hundreds of applicants will have drawing ability and an interest in science + art. You will stand out with a backstory. Maybe you go to the local historical museum and ask to draw from specimens in the archives because you are obsessed with fossils. Maybe a topic interests you so much that you want to learn about it independently and create visuals to help yourself and others learn. Maybe you find a mentor, establish a relationship, and career shadow her/him. Maybe you are a self-taught artist from online learning channels such as YouTube or Patreon. Maybe you have an idea of a BETTER way to visualize something. While you are creating your backstory, continue to take art and science classes, especially figure drawing and anatomy.

5. What kind of pieces should I put in my portfolio?

Some programs don’t even want to see “medical illustration” visuals. You will learn all that stuff in graduate school. They want to see your basic skills in observation, blocking shapes, differentiating textures, understanding color and value, and creating a successful composition. Have a really strong figure drawing piece, either grayscale or a limited color palette. Have a great still life with various textures, such as glass, fabric, pieces from nature, and maybe something juicy! Have a strong traditional media piece from pastels, watercolors, or acrylics. You can include digital pieces; however, some students are more successful with art principles using natural media. Digital is a whole new ball game, and you learn these skills within the program.

There are many resources available to learn more about the field; here are some great organizations and articles to check out: Association of Medical Illustrators - The Association of Medical Illustrators (AMI) is a professional organization dedicated to advancing the field of medical illustration. It supports illustrators who specialize in visualizing complex medical and scientific concepts through various mediums, such as illustrations, animations, and interactive media. The AMI offers its members resources for professional development, including certification opportunities, educational events, networking, and access to industry standards. It also advocates for the value of medical illustration in communication, research, and education, helping to maintain high standards of quality and ethics within the profession. Schools offering a Bachelor of Arts or a Minor in Scientific Visualization - Explore this comprehensive List of Schools Offering Bachelor of Arts or Minor in Scientific Visualization, designed to help you find the perfect program to launch your career in scientific communication. This guide includes top universities and colleges offering specialized undergraduate degrees and minors in scientific visualization, where you'll gain skills in 3D modeling, medical animation, and digital illustration. Whether you're looking to specialize in biological sciences, medical sciences, or visual arts, these programs are ideal for students seeking to combine their passion for art and science into a rewarding career. Some great medical illustrators to follow - Discover 16 incredible examples of medical illustration by some of the most talented medical illustrators in the industry. This curated list from Creative Boom highlights inspiring medical art, showcasing detailed and accurate anatomical drawings, scientific illustrations, and medical animations that push the boundaries of visualizing complex scientific concepts.

So you're interested in a career in medical illustration

If you school has an art career fair and you are local (within 2 hours driving of Chicago), I would be happy to come speak to students about my career as a medical illustrator. Please email at for inquiries.


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